ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU <p><strong>Journal title: ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN (Print) 2789-4320 ISSN (Online) 2789-4339</strong></p> <p><strong> journal DOI : 10.32523/2789-4320</strong></p> <p><strong>Registered Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate of registration for re-registration No. <a href="">KZ26VPY00032638 dated 02/19/2021</a></strong></p> <p><strong>Owner:</strong> Non-profit joint-stock company "<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">L.N. Gumilyov </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Eurasian National University".</span></p> <p><strong>Purpose of the journal:</strong> The publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the fields of Economic Science.</p> <p><strong>Subject area</strong>: Economics (economic theory, economics and entrepreneurship, management, finance, accounting and audit, analysis, public audit, tourism).</p> <p><strong>Publication languages:</strong> Kazakh, Russian, English.</p> <p><strong>Periodicity:</strong> 4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Territory of distribution:</strong> Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.</p> <p>The journal <strong>is included</strong> in the catalog of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the list recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan</p> <p><strong>Journal tasks:</strong></p> <p>˗organization of a platform for an open discussion for the exchange of scientific opinions, proposals and experience, contributing to the improvement of the quality of examination of scientific works and dissertation research;</p> <p>˗providing the domestic and foreign scientific community with the opportunity to publish theoretically and practically significant scientific papers and the results of scientific research for the qualitative development of economic science;</p> <p>˗expansion of the possibility of distribution and indexing of published scientific works in various key domestic and foreign citation bases.</p> <p>˗involvement in the professional community and assistance to young researchers in improving the quality of their publication.</p> <p>The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, teachers, young scientists, practitioners interested in topical issues of economic science, entrepreneurship and tourism.</p> <p><strong>Archiving.</strong></p> <p>The journal's publishing system has set up electronic backup and preservation of access to the contents of its journals through the<a href=""> LOCKSS</a> system network. In accordance with article 16 "Mandatory copies of periodicals and storage of materials of television and radio programs" of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Mass Media" dated July 23, 1999 No. 451-I: Mandatory copies of the journal are sent by the owner of the media to National libraries, The National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Electronic versions are presented in: JSC NCGNTE Foundation for the Electronic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; scientific electronic library; Cyberlanguage of the Open Access Scientific Electronic Library (Open Access); also journal is involved into the CrossRef Cited-by linking program. Printed versions of the journal are sent to libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.</p> <p>The journal's policy allows authors to store their publications in institutional or other repositories of their choice.</p> <p><strong>Terms of publication.</strong> All articles submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal "Economic Series of the Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov ENU" are subject to mandatory anonymous review. Based on the reviews received, the Editorial Board of the journal makes the final decision.</p> L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University en-US ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU 2789-4320 The importance of digitalization and innovation in small and medium enterprises <p>Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are structures that form the backbone of the global economy and play an important role in creating employment. In today's rapidly changing and digitalizing world, it is critical for SMEs to invest in digital transformation and innovation to ensure their competitiveness and sustainability. This article examines the importance of digitalization and innovation in SMEs and the effects of these processes on businesses. Digitalization enables businesses to transform their business processes and increase their efficiency by using digital technologies. In particular, technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and big data analytics enable SMEs to reduce operational costs, improve customer experiences and develop more flexible business models. Digitalization also allows businesses to improve their marketing strategies and expand into new markets. Innovation is another critical factor for SMEs to gain competitive advantage. This article discusses the strategies and practices necessary for SMEs to successfully manage their digitalization and innovation processes. Additionally, the opportunities and challenges that digitalization and innovation offer to SMEs are also discussed. As a result, SMEs' adoption of digitalization and innovation is essential for long-term success and sustainable growth.</p> А. Syzdykova Zh. Zhetibayev Copyright (c) 2024 А. Сыздықова, Ж. Жетибаев 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 8 22 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-8-22 The role of social entrepreneurship in the innovative development of the state: the cluster approach <p>The article discusses the importance and role of social entrepreneurship in the innovative development of the state. The authors described social entrepreneurship as an effective business model aimed at solving social problems of society and analyzed its impact on the development of an innovative ecosystem. The main goal of the scientific work is to determine the development of methods and mechanisms for the development of social entrepreneurship using a cluster approach. This approach aims to strengthen partnerships between social enterprises, government agencies, research institutes and the private sector. The article highlights the role of clusters based on social entrepreneurship in increasing innovative potential at the regional and national levels.</p> <p>The authors have the task of determining their effectiveness by comparing international and domestic practices of a cluster approach focused on social entrepreneurship using theoretical, comparative and system analysis methods. Describes the main directions of state policy to support social entrepreneurship, including the tools necessary to realize the potential of the cluster approach. The results of the study suggest effective ways to integrate social entrepreneurship in ensuring innovative development strategies and socio-economic stability.</p> B. Tusupbaeva В. Iskakov M. Tuzubekova Copyright (c) 2024 Б. Тусупбаева, Б. Искаков, M. Тузубекова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 23 40 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-23-40 Sustainable rural development of the Kyzylorda region in the context of the State development strategy <p>The article analyzes and examines the sustainability of rural areas of the Kyzylorda region,<br />in the context of the concept of rural development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The team of authors<br />defines and characterizes the sustainable development of rural areas, which are primarily aimed at<br />ensuring a higher increase in the well-being of the rural population of the Kyzylorda region. Today, it<br />must be recognized that the quality of life in rural areas lags significantly behind the quality of life in<br />urban areas.<br />To address this issue, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of<br />sustainable rural development, has developed and adopted important, strategically important programs<br />such as the Concept of Rural Development for 2023-2027, the AuylAmanaty program to increase rural<br />incomes, the program "With a diploma to the village" was adopted to increase human resources, in<br />order to The Assyl Meken mortgage program and many others have been adopted and successfully<br />implemented to provide their own housing for the rural population. The above-mentioned programs<br />are mainly aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of the rural population of the Republic<br />of Kazakhstan.<br />The team of authors assesses the state of sustainable development of rural areas of the Kyzylorda<br />region, where the most pressing problems of the region and further ways to solve them are identified.</p> S. Kassymova М. Makysh А. Mukhanova Copyright (c) 2024 С. Касымова, М. Мақыш, А. Муханова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 41 57 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-41-57 Education in digital transformation, along with its opportunities and challenges to rising economies <p>Significant progress has been made in the field of fake ideas in recent times. OpenAI has pioneered in this area, regularly initiating research. The ChatGPT dialect show has attracted considerable attention due to its remarkable<br />ability to process ordinary dialects. The potential of this innovation to upgrade education, especially in developing countries, requires a comprehensive investigation of its expected impact. The essential objective of this study is to<br />conduct a thorough assessment of OpenAI, particularly ChatGPT, in connection to the educational environment of developing countries. Utilizing the basic record examination strategy, this reflection explores key aspects of ChatGPT, including its ability to offer adaptive and personalized learning, providing high-quality instruction, and support dialect, among other benefits. This research offers a comprehensive consideration of the key interest and limitations associated with this innovation. Its objective is to upgrade our understanding of the potential affect it may have on education in developing countries, accomplished through a broad assessment of ChatGPT.</p> R. Karlibaeva G. Karlibaeva Copyright (c) 2024 R. Karlibaeva, Г. Карлибаева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 58 76 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-58-76 Methods of assessing the effectiveness of state ownership <p>This scientific publication discusses methods for evaluating the effectiveness of state property. State property is an important tool for economic development and ensuring public welfare. However, the definition and measurement of the effectiveness of state property is difficult due to its characteristics and socio-economic context. The purpose of this publication is to review and analyze various methods of evaluating the effectiveness of state property. The article discusses both qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as indicators and indicators used to measure the effectiveness of state ownership. The authors reveal the theoretical aspects of state property and its role in the economy. Then a review of various methods of evaluating effectiveness, such as economic analysis, financial indicators, social and environmental criteria, is carried out. The article presents examples of studies based on the application of these methods for assessing the effectiveness of state ownership in various countries and sectors of the economy. The results of these studies allow us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of state property and offer recommendations for its optimization. As a result of the study, it is concluded that there is a need for an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of state property, taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects. This approach will make it possible to make informed decisions regarding the management of State property and contribute to the achievement of economic growth and social development.</p> В. Chereyeva U. Shukeev G. Abayeva Copyright (c) 2024 Б. Череева, У. Шукеев, Г. Абаева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 77 90 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-77-90 Digitalization and technological trends in marketing: prospects for Kazakhstan <p>The article examines the impact of digitalization and technological innovations on marketing strategies in Kazakhstan. Key trends are considered, including the use of big data, artificial intelligence, social media and personalization, as well as their importance for predicting consumer behavior and business competitiveness. The main focus is on the development of information and communication technologies, the growth of Internet usage and the integration of digital tools into business processes. The article analyzes the problems of introducing marketing innovations in Kazakhstan and suggests ways to solve them, such as government support, staff training, the development of an innovation ecosystem and partnership with international experts. It also examines the impact of external factors, including changes in consumer preferences and business social responsibility. Based on data on the growth of Internet usage and the volume of ICT services, a forecast has been made for the coming years, indicating positive dynamics. The authors conclude that flexible strategies for adapting and implementing technologies are necessary to increase the competitiveness of companies. The work highlights the importance of employee training and the formation of sustainable business practices in the context of globalization and technological progress.</p> Zh. Tazhiyeva E. Baimukhanbetova A. Kozhakhmetova Copyright (c) 2024 Ж. Тажиева, Э. Баймуханбетова, А. Кожахметова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 91 105 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-91-105 Interaction between Government Bodies and Business Structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan <p>The article examines the assessment of the interaction of regional government bodies and business structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the criteria for the development of public-private partnerships. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and practical ideas<br />about the meaning and content of the mechanism of interaction between business structures and the state. Methods of inductive analysis of legal and everyday institutions were used along with institutional, praxeological, historical and comparative methods in the study of existing methods and practices of introducing civilized principles of managing a mixed economy. Based on a study of the composition and features of the structural components of the partnership development strategy, components of the mechanism for implementing the strategy for the development of the state and entrepreneurship, joint entrepreneurship and the relationship of the results of the implementation of the mechanism for entrepreneurship development, criteria for assessing the work of local governments were determined.<br />In addition, a matrix of interaction between business and government at the regional level was compiled, models of interaction between government bodies and business structures, as well as an algorithm for interaction between government and business structures were studied. The study includes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of official statistics with a detailed description of the number and nature of corruption incidents, as well as the scale of informal operations. These analyses formed the basis for the definition of shadow schemes.</p> А. Baimbetova А. Yessenali А. Kulbayeva Copyright (c) 2024 А. Баймбетова, А. .Есенәлі, А. Кулбаева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 106 128 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-106-128 Optimizing Business Processes with AI, BPMN 2.0, and Workflow Management Systems <p>This research discusses the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), workflow management systems (WMS) and business process models and notes (BPMN) to improve the efficiency of modern business processes. Advanced technologies can significantly increase productivity, reduce costs and improve decision-making. The data analysis and automation capabilities of artificial intelligence enable companies to solve problems faster, optimize resource allocation and make better decisions. In combination with WMS, AI optimizes processes, automates workflows and increases operational efficiency.</p> <p>BPMN 2.0 is a clear, standardized method for visualizing and modeling business processes that helps improve communication and consistency between teams. This structured approach enables companies to effectively document, analyze and improve their workflows.</p> <p>Research shows the challenges companies face by using technologies, that also includes data quality issues, resistance to change and the need for a skilled workforce. Analyzing article, the authors consider the potential of quantum computing and developments in artificial intelligence algorithms and emphasize the importance of continuous innovation and adaptation for companies to remain competitive in an ever-evolving technology landscape.</p> A. Rakaeva A. Rakaeva Copyright (c) 2024 A. Ракаева, А. Ракаева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 129 142 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-129-142 Features of managing oil projects in the USA, China, Iraq, Kazakhstan and their impact on the economies of the countries <p>This article analyzes the features of oil projects in oil exporting and oil importing countries and their impact on the economy. The article reflects the current state of oil projects and identifies the main problems in the development of oil project management. The practical significance of the article lies in establishing the factors and conditions that determine the project approach to managing oil projects. The theoretical significance of this study lies in identifying the factors that determine the export- or import-oriented nature of national economies. The uniqueness of the study is determined by the <br />methodological approach used to take into account macroeconomic factors in constructing a project approach to the management of oil projects in countries such as the USA, China, Iraq and Kazakhstan. The methodological basis of the study was the methods of content analysis, historical-chronological, statistical <br />and comparative methods. The information base was the annual reports of oil companies, the results of oil market reviews by analytical agencies and OPEC metadata. The results of the study are presented in the form of recommendations for project managers, executives of oil companies and researchers studying project management issues.</p> N. Han А. Adambekova Copyright (c) 2024 Н. Найчао, А. Адамбекова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 143 161 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-143-161 Prerequisites for the digital transformation of the financial market in the era of globalization <p>The terms "digitalization" and "digital transformation" are clarified based on the experience of research of international financial institutions and foreign companies leading developments in the field of information technology in modern financial markets.<br />In the context of modern globalization, new technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrencies are widely used to enhance the efficiency and stability of financial systems. Analyzing the digitalization of the financial market as an evolutionary stage in the development of modern society, the main stages of its formation should be taken into account. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the basis of this process is the active introduction of the achievements of the FinTech industry into financial relations. Today, a new stage in the development of the financial market is being formed with requirements for harmonizing regulation, expanding the list of potential participants and strengthening consumer protection. The digital transformation of the financial market has a significant impact on increasing the digital literacy of the population and business.</p> G. Kassenova G. Supugalieva A. Assilova Copyright (c) 2024 Г. Касенова, Г. Супугалиева, А. Асилова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 162 177 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-162-177 Backgrounds for creating unified criteria for systemically important banks at the EAEU level: clustering approach <p>The problems of identifying systemically important banks have not lost their relevance for more than 10 years, and the issues of developing uniform criteria for them in economic unions are of particular interest. The formation of clusters of SIBs (systemically important banks) within the EAEU will improve the quality of financial services provided by the banks in the participating countries, and will also strengthen the innovative potential of the economic union. The purpose of the study is to examine, through the application of clustering methodology (Euclidean distance metrics and Hamming models), the backgrounds and fundamental possibilities for developing uniform criteria for identifying SIBs for Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia, as participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. At the same time, methodological recommendations for national systemically important banks developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision are taken into account. The results of the study showed that the grouping of banks classified in individual EAEU countries as SIBs is logical when three clusters are identified: Level 1 (integration), Level 2 (country), and Level 3 (potential). The analysis emphasizes that when developing unified criteria, it is <br />necessary to develop indicators that are not approximated with each other. In addition, the criteria must be clearly and strictly defined, and similar features (indicators) must be significantly different. The present study is comprised of two sections; this paper is part of the second section.</p> A. Dalke E. Ruziyeva A. Nurgaliyeva Copyright (c) 2024 А. Дальке, Э. Рузиева, А. Нургалиева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 178 194 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-178-194 The impact of the financing mechanism of financial development institutions on the entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan <p>The article examines the financial institution of development, which directly affects the prosperity of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Based on our research, an analysis of the development of entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan is provided, funded by a financial development institute of this level. During the research, the impact of this national institution on stimulating the medium and small businesses’ development was assessed, financial support’s key mechanisms and tools provided <br />to entrepreneurs were also considered. The results obtained may well be used to prepare proposals for improving financial support for entrepreneurship. The research is based on real statistical data. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of the structure and quality of funds of financial development institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan allocated to small and medium-sized enterprises. The most important aspect of the study is the analysis of the use of funds’ effectiveness in economy’s favor. Based on the analysis, the article shows the effective use of financial resources to strengthen entrepreneurial positions in the state and improve financial mechanisms. This leads to a decrease in social and economic differences in the country, and sustainable economic growth.</p> M. Aubakirova S. Makysh Copyright (c) 2024 М. Аубакирова, С. Мақыш 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 195 208 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-195-208 Methods for Financial Recovery of Agricultural Enterprises in Kazakhstan <p>The study of techniques of financial recovery of agricultural <br />formations in the Republic of Kazakhstan is important for the country's economy since the agro-industrial complex must be stable and sustainable. Agriculture is important to Kazakhstan's socioeconomic growth since it employs a large portion of the people, contributes to food security, and accounts for a considerable portion of GDP and exports. The study's goal is to develop and test effective financial rehabilitation methods for agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to restore their financial stability, increase competitiveness, and ensure the agroindustrial complex's long-term development.<br />During the study, an analysis of existing approaches to financial recovery was conducted, international experience was studied, problems and characteristics of agricultural formations in Kazakhstan were identified, and specific <br />recommendations were proposed to improve the measures implemented, taking into account national economic conditions and agricultural specifics. The use of comprehensive methods of financial recovery, including debt restructuring, government support, the introduction of innovative technologies and increased operational efficiency, will significantly increase the financial stability of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan. </p> R. Sarbassova B. Aimurzina S. Сelik Copyright (c) 2024 Р. Сарбасова, Б. Аймурзина, С. Челик 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 209 223 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-209-223 Addressing Regional Disparities and Enhancing Efficiency in Kazakhstan’s Budget System <p>Kazakhstan’s financial system is instrumental in advancing the nation’s economic development, yet ongoing structural and policy-related obstacles continue to impede its overall efficiency. This study investigates the key elements of Kazakhstan’s financial mechanisms—namely state budget <br />allocations, inter-budgetary relations, tax policies, and transfer mechanisms— to propose targeted strategies for improving their functionality. The findings indicate a distinct trend toward performance-oriented budgeting, marked <br />by increasing investment in social services and infrastructure. However, the comparatively limited support for economic diversification raises concerns about the country’s long-term resilience. In addition, pronounced regional disparities underscore the necessity of allocating resources more equitably to foster balanced socio-economic development. While tax incentives aimed at <br />supporting small and medium-sized enterprises have yielded some positive outcomes, the tax base remains disproportionately dependent on the oil and gas <br />sector, leaving Kazakhstan susceptible to external market fluctuations. Transfer mechanisms have contributed to reducing poverty rates, yet their effectiveness is undermined by shortcomings in targeting and sustainability. Comparative analyses of neighboring countries point to significant opportunities for adopting <br />best practices in areas such as budget transparency, SME promotion, and financial market reform. The study concludes by recommending that Kazakhstan reprioritize its budget to emphasize economic diversification, address regional funding inequities, broaden its tax base, and enhance social transfer efficiency. Taken together, these measures can strengthen the nation’s financial system, mitigate external risks, and support Kazakhstan’s objectives for sustainable growth and economic diversification.</p> G. Turmakhanbetova A. Tulaganov A. Butkenova Copyright (c) 2024 Г. Турмаханбетова, А. Тулаганов, А. Буткенова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 224 239 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-224-239 The Effectiveness of investments in the tourism Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan <p>Tourism is a specific branch of the economy, therefore, the<br />assessment of the effectiveness of investments is relevant, which was the content of this article. To enhance the investment activity of the tourism industry, it is necessary to assess the objective resource capabilities of the industry, infrastructure and destinations. It is determined that the effectiveness of tourism is not always the volume of<br />investments, but the possibility of attracting investments with maximum return and high intensity. Investments in tourism are carried out through: government programs, investments of quasi-governmental structures, the private sector, public-private partnerships. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the results of investments in the tourism industry to increase its activity. The idea of the article is the need to evaluate the effectiveness of investments and what indicators are recommended for this.<br />The research is based on a statistical database and a survey.<br />The value of the study lies in assessing the effectiveness of measures for the development of tourism, and the results obtained can be applied to analyze its development. <br /><br /></p> A. Berdibekova V. Biryukov L. Mutaliyeva Copyright (c) 2024 А. Бердибекова, В. Бирюков, Л. Муталиева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 240 253 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-240-253 Analysis of trends in the development of medical and health tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan <p style="font-weight: 400;">Health tourism represents one of the fastest growing segments of tourism in the world, especially in the post-COVID-19 pandemic.&nbsp; Kazakhstan, which has the potential for further development of health tourism, is poorly represented both in the domestic and international markets. The purpose of the article is to identify the key directions and trends in the development of medical and health tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.&nbsp; The scientific significance is determined by the in-depth study of the industry, which makes it possible to identify the prospects for its development and increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan as an attractive destination for medical and health tourism. In this work, the analysis of global modern trends in the development of medical and health tourism is carried out, its role in the general structure of the tourism industry is shown on the basis of statistical and content analysis. In addition, a comparative characteristic of various approaches to the interpretation of the category of medical and health tourism is presented. Based on the data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an assessment of the current state of medical and health tourism in the country is made. As a result, conclusions are drawn about the unevenness of the development of medical and health tourism, the regions of Kazakhstan are identified and ranked depending on the degree of development of the type of tourism under study.</p> К. Mussina K. Omarova K. Tukibayeva Copyright (c) 2024 К. Мусина, К. Омарова, К. Тукибаева 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 254 274 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-254-274 Theoretical and methodological foundations of management psychology in the restaurant and hotel business <p>This article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of management psychology in the context of the restaurant and hotel business. Particular attention is paid to such aspects as employee motivation, leadership and emotional intelligence. The article provides an analysis<br />of the main psychological models, including Maslow's and Herzberg's theories of motivation, as well as their practical application to improve team performance and customer satisfaction. Methodological approaches to personnel management are explored, such as the use of employee behavior assessment methods, implementation of training and motivational programs. Various leadership styles and their impact on productivity are considered, as well as ways to adapt them in the hospitality industry. The article emphasizes the importance of using psychological approaches to improve competitiveness and create a positive working atmosphere. </p> R. Ismailova A. Amandosov S. Kuzekbaeva A. .Kalabaev Copyright (c) 2024 Р. Исмаилова, А. Амандосов, С. Кузекбаева , А. Калабаев 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 275 283 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-275-283 SWOT and PEST analysis as a marketing audit tool for a company <p>The scientific article is devoted to the use of SWOT and PEST+M analysis as tools for conducting a marketing audit, which allows to form the most complete and clear picture of the current situation. Every company should reassess its overall approach to the market from time to time. The relevance of the problem of organizing an audit of an enterprise's marketing activities is due to the direct relationship between the effectiveness of enterprise management and the periodic critical assessment of its activities, so internal analysis of all the main components of the business, including marketing, as the most important<br />component of such an assessment. The authors note that the marketing audit allows to identify "bottlenecks" and focus on eliminating them. An audit of marketing activities is an effective tool that allows to analyze the current<br />situation of an enterprise from a marketing point of view, identify opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, develop practical<br />recommendations for improving marketing activities. It is determined that in modern conditions, marketing audit should become an integral part of the marketing activities of any enterprise. Its holding should not be reduced to<br />a one-time action. The audit should be systematic - it consists in an orderly sequence of diagnostic measures aimed at the external and internal marketing environment for a given organization and individual marketing functions,<br />periodic and independent. It is proved that the use of SWOT and PEST analysis in the audit allows to talk about the effectiveness of the marketing department and develop a system of practical recommendations for improving marketing activities.</p> G. Amanova G. Tussibayeva G. Sagindykova Copyright (c) 2024 Г. Аманова, Г. Тусибаева, Г. Сагиндыкова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 284 299 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-284-299 Problems and prospects of audit of the efficiency of state policy in the field of development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan <p>This article discusses the regulatory and methodological support for the audit of the effectiveness of public policy in the field of small and medium business development, which plays a special role in the audits. The methodological basis of the article includes the methods of observation, generalization, comparison, synthesis, induction and deduction. The information basis of this study consists of the existing regulatory, legislative and methodological<br />framework, as well as scientific data from international organizations and statistical agencies. The article identifies the main problems associated with the assessment of the qualitative development of SMEs, notes the need to take into account its contribution to replenishing the budget with taxes, creating jobs and paying wages to employees. Additionally, attention is paid to the formation of high-quality methodological support that will take into account the indicators of achieving the indicators of SME development programs as criteria for auditing the effectiveness of government support measures for small and medium-sized businesses. The materials of the article can be used in the preparation of lecture materials on the subject of the relevant discipline.</p> Т. Mukushev B. Alibekova Е. Syzdykova Copyright (c) 2024 Т. Мукушев, Б. Алибекова, Э. Сыздыкова 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 300 313 10.32523/2789-4320-2024-4-300-313