Economic efficiency of the implementation of youth policy in Kazakhstan
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government policy, youth, youth policy, efficiency, performance indicators, the efficiency of government programs and projects, quality and standard of living of youth.Abstract
The article examines the theoretical aspects of the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the
implementation of state programs adopted within the framework of public administration. The article considers
the essence of youth policy, the importance of active work with young people, maintaining their desire for selfdevelopment and socialization, ensuring a decent level and quality of life.
The article highlights features and structure of modern youth policy in Kazakhstan, its goals and objectives,
levels of implementation, as well as features of key programs and areas of work with youth. There have been
analyzed foreign and domestic research practices in terms of the use of various indicators and methods for
assessing the effectiveness of the management of youth policy programs. During the study, there were identified
indicators of the effectiveness of youth policy, which were applied in assessing the effectiveness of the state
youth policy of Kazakhstan.
Based on the results of the analysis, the author highlights the features of the current state of development of
youth policy in Kazakhstan. The author analyzes the existing approaches to the allocation of indicators of the
economic efficiency of the implementation of youth policy. Based on the results of the analysis, there was carried
out the selection of the most acceptable approaches for the analysis of the youth policy of Kazakhstan and the
use of these approaches for the economic assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy
in Kazakhstan according to key programs.