Analysis of the causes of unemployment and its negative consequences in modern Kazakhstan

Analysis of the causes of unemployment and its negative consequences in modern Kazakhstan

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  • K. Izguttiyeva Turan University
  • A. Serikkyzy Almaty Management University
  • S. Baktymbet Kazakh University of Technology and Business



unemployment, labor market, employment, ILO, unemployment, regional differences, gender differences


Annotation. This article examines the essence of unemployment, the factors influencing its emergence as a socio-economic phenomenon. The relevance of this study lies in the growing need to create effective measures for the use of labor resources. Meanwhile, the consequences of unemployment are: a slowdown in growth rates, loss of necessary qualifications among the working population, as well as deprivation of livelihoods, a decrease in the level and quality of life of the country's population. Without timely resolution, these consequences can lead to instability both among a separate group of people and among the entire population. Based on the analysis, an assessment of the unemployment rate in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2019 to 2022 is given. The main causes of unemployment have been identified. The unemployment rate at the regional level is analyzed, regions with high and low unemployment levels are identified.


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How to Cite

Izguttiyeva К., Serikkyzy , A., & Baktymbet С. (2024). Analysis of the causes of unemployment and its negative consequences in modern Kazakhstan: Analysis of the causes of unemployment and its negative consequences in modern Kazakhstan. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (2), 217–232.


