Principles of Environmental Protection Management of Kazakhstani Oil Enterprises

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  • А. Ashikbayeva Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages
  • N. Kudaibergenov Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages
  • S. Abdibekov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



management, environmental problems, oil companies, environmental activities, economic strategies, sustainable development


At the current stage of economic development, the formation of a well-thought-out management strategy and general development directions becomes a condition for the successful functioning of any industry, which ensures competitiveness.

At the local level, funds spent on environmental protection are insufficient to provide adequate environmental services. Transfers from the central budget are too limited, and local governments are not allowed to work directly with local or foreign banks or multilateral financial institutions. This significantly hinders the financing of much-needed environmental infrastructure improvements. To attract more funds from the central budget, local capital markets and international financial institutions, adequate institutional capacity is needed to properly assess financial costs (investment costs, operating and maintenance costs) and develop environmental projects with well-defined objectives and timelines. sustainability of a sustainable financial strategy. All of these features are still not available locally.


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How to Cite

Ashikbayeva А., Kudaibergenov, H., & Abdibekov, C. (2023). Principles of Environmental Protection Management of Kazakhstani Oil Enterprises. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (1), 96–108.


