Assessment of the activities of a credit partnership and its role in the financial security of agricultural enterprises

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state financial institutions, credit partnerships, financial support, agricultural producers, lending, performance efficiency, comparative assessment, production and financial activities of enterprises


The purpose of the article is to evaluate the role and activities of a credit partnership in the process of financial support for agricultural enterprises. Using abstract-logical and statistical methods in accordance with the goal, the tasks of dynamic assessment of the activities of Tselinogradskoe Credit Partnership LLP in the Akmola region were considered, determining its role in providing financial support to agricultural producers, the state of lending to these producers, in particular, were considered the structure of loans and their use, as well as identifying problems associated with them.

The state of income and expenses of the credit partnership, indicators of lending to agricultural producers, that is, their dynamics and structural changes, were assessed. As a result, from an economic point of view, it was found that the increase in net profit is determined, first of all, by the faster growth rate of income compared to the growth rate of expenses.

The intermediary activities of CT Tselinogradskoe LLP were analyzed based on the number of participants, the amount of loans issued by area, their return rates over the course of several years, as well as a positive result of the activities of the credit company,

A trend has been identified to increase the volume of lending to agricultural producers. And the efficiency of the credit partnership is confirmed by the improvement in the production and financial performance of participants and loan recipients.

Further development of the mechanism for lending to agricultural producers through credit partnerships should be carried out taking into account the results of the production and financial activities of the partnership participants, and their volume should take into account the results of the enterprises’ activities.


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How to Cite

Utibaev Б., Akhmetova Д., & Zhunusova Р. (2024). Assessment of the activities of a credit partnership and its role in the financial security of agricultural enterprises. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (2), 252–266.


