The world practice of using innovative instruments of state financial regulation to stimulate the green economy

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financing, «green» investment, responsible investment, sustainable development, «green» economy, sustainable economic growth, resource efficiency


In the current reality, the issues of economic growth and the environment are cross-cutting and are becoming more and more relevant. As we know, the «resource-intensive economic model» is very limited in all directions, there are questions about the efficiency of using natural resources, these are definitely environmental risks, and this is a direct threat to the country's competitiveness. The strategic vector of sustainable development is aimed at the «green» economy model. In Kazakhstan, the transformation from one model to another requires significant investments. However, the difficulties of implementing such a transformation are related to the need for appropriate institutions and the implementation of both state and market support mechanisms. In this regard, consideration of foreign practices and its adaptation to our conditions will give a real impetus to the development of environmental investment tools.

The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of mechanisms to support financing of «green» projects in developed countries, in particular the USA, the EU, and China.


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How to Cite

Aitkazina М., Akisheva Н., & Karshalova А. (2024). The world practice of using innovative instruments of state financial regulation to stimulate the green economy. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (2), 267–279.


