Development of the innovation ecosystem in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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  • А. Nauryzbaeva Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty
  • V. Nepshina Kazakh American Free University
  • D. Muratova Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty



innovations, digital economy, innovative activity, index of digitalization of the economy, indicators of innovative development, rating of digital competitiveness of countries


Significant work is currently being carried out in Kazakhstan to develop innovations and build an innovative ecosystem, create a knowledge-based economy. The creation of favorable conditions for the development of innovations, directly or indirectly, has a broad legislative basis and is provided for by various regulatory legal acts and documents of the state planning system. So, on February 26, 2021, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 520, National Priority No. 8 was established "Building a diversified and innovative economy".  Tasks to support innovation are also provided for in the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of Digital Transformation, development of the information and communication technologies and cybersecurity industry for 2023-2029.

The article provides a comparative analysis of the digitalization of certain sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan, which make up their ecosystems in innovative companies, the number of innovative projects in some countries of the world over the past three years starting in 2021, the model of Western European countries for state support of this activity of an innovative company, and a ten-year experience in providing innovative grants in Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Nauryzbaeva А., Nepshina, V., & Muratova, D. (2024). Development of the innovation ecosystem in the Republic of Kazakhstan. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (3), 193–208.




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