The Manager’s Digital Competencies in Education System: A Systematic Review

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  • N. Kurmanov L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University image/svg+xml
  • A. Bakirbekova Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University
  • M. Adilbekuly L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University image/svg+xml



digital technologies, digital competencies, digital skills, management, manager, education system, COVID-19


Currently, digital technologies are becoming the main factor of economic development; big data management methods have become more complex. In this regard, the managers’ digital competency development level directly affects competitiveness of the business. This paper systematically reviews 34 WoS and Scopus studies, identifies and gives full detail of stakeholders, levels, models, educational technologies, and research prospects in formation and development of digital competencies of practitioners and future managers in education system. The six research questions put forward aim at data analysis. The results have shown that (a) pre-COVID-19 pandemic studies were of a more general, extensive nature. After 2020, the key focus in many studies has shifted to narrower issues of formation of managers’ digital competencies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; (b) during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-COVID period, there has been an increase in scientific attention to formation and development of managers’ digital competencies; (c) literature focuses on studying digital competencies of practicing managers. However, there is not enough research on issues related to formation and development of digital competencies of future managers; (d) the analysis revealed an insufficient number of studies of such a significant digital competence as Safety; (e) DigComp structure is applicable as a universal basis for professional development of digital competencies of managers; (f) an interesting trend has been revealed that the analyzed papers lack detailed study of such important digital competencies as Information and Data Literacy, Safety, and Problem Solving; (g) analyzed articles lack detailed study of important technologies for the development of digital competencies of the DigCompOrg structure for current managers. A number of practical recommendations are given for the education system in forming and developing digital competencies of managers.


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How to Cite

Kurmanov, N., Bakirbekova, A., & Adilbekuly, M. (2024). The Manager’s Digital Competencies in Education System: A Systematic Review. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (2), 141–157.


