State support measures for capacity development tourism in Kazakhstan

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Government support, tourism, information systems, special economic zones, destinations, social tourism


To transform tourism into a dynamically developing and highly profitable sector of the economy, measures are needed to support the potential of the tourism industry. This is the creation of appropriate institutional conditions: legislative norms and management structures, which would be the basis for creating an effective mechanism for the functioning of the industry.

The purpose and main directions of the research are to study the relevant institutional conditions: legislative norms, management structures and the definition of state support measures for the development of the industry's potential.

The article provides an analytical review of measures of state support for tourism in Kazakhstan. The analysis of the current legislation in the field of tourism and other measures to stimulate tourism entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan has been carried out. The main source of the analysis was the laws and regulations governing the activities of the tourism sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study used a descriptive method and comparative analysis. The field of application of the research results is the activity of subjects of the tourism industry at all levels. The results of the study will help to use the huge tourism potential of Kazakhstan by increasing the activity of entrepreneurs in tourism. The tourism sector should become attractive for doing business. The research results presented in the article can be applied in the development of plans for the development of the tourism industry.  All this, in turn, will enhance the socio-economic situation of the regions of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Berdibekova А., & Мutaliyeva Л. (2024). State support measures for capacity development tourism in Kazakhstan. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (2), 356–366.


