The impact of the market of spa services on the development of the economy of Kazakhstan

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  • A. Kizimbayeva Sh.Yessenov Caspian University of technology and engineering
  • A. Urazbekov Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov
  • Zh. Bulakbay L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University



sanatorium and cultural services, hotel services, consumers, sanatoriums, vacations, prices, resort area.


The purpose of writing the article was to consider the authors of the current state and development of the market of spa services in Kazakhstan, which has a significant impact on the sustainable development of the country's economy. Currently, in harsh market conditions, the level of competitiveness of spa services suffers first of all, that is, it means the possibility of these services to bring acceptable income to the company and has a significant impact on the sustainable development of this business. Materials and methods: within the framework of a systematic approach, when writing the article, the author applied the principles and methods of complex and comparative analysis, economic and statistical, including graphical, the principle of groupings, etc. Research results: today in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are all the economic prerequisites for the development of sanatorium-resort services, where natural resources and space have served as the basis for the development of the economy of sanatorium-resort tourism in the country. In the republic, you can find all the main types of sanatorium-resort institutions that use comprehensive rehabilitation, treatment, recovery and prevention programs. The authors analyzed and studied the main types of health resorts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the economic component of the current state of the market of sanatorium-resort services in Kazakhstan, the structure of public spending on paid services in the field of sanatorium-resort organizations in Kazakhstan, determining the positions of the regions of Kazakhstan on sanatorium-resort organizations, etc. The main problems hindering the development of sanatorium-resort services were also highlighted and the characteristic features of the sanatorium-resort services market that distinguish it from other markets were highlighted. It is worth noting that the importance of modern activities of sanatorium-resort enterprises in tourism is due to the long and rich traditions of domestic balneology, based on strict scientific approaches to organization and high professionalism in the implementation of sanatorium-resort services.


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How to Cite

Kizimbayeva А., Urazbekov А., & Bulakbay Ж. (2024). The impact of the market of spa services on the development of the economy of Kazakhstan. ECONOMIC Series of the Bulletin of the L N Gumilyov ENU, (2), 9–26.


